Rury i płyty przepływowe to elementy używane w laserach gazowych do przeprowadzania i kontrolowania przepływu gazu pobudzającego. Laser gazowy to rodzaj lasera, który używa gazów, takich jak hel, neon, dwutlenek węgla itp., do generowania promieniowania laserowego.
Są kluczowymi elementami w zapewnieniu odpowiedniego przepływu gazu pobudzającego, który jest niezbędny do wytworzenia promieniowania laserowego o wysokiej jakości i stabilności.

Nr kat. | Produkt | Pasuje do OEM |
203010003 | Filterglasplatte Alpha Laser ALS35 / Filterglasplatte Siro Lasertec SL35 | ALPHA LASER GmbH / Siro Lasertec GmbH |
203010004 | Filterglasplatte Alpha Laser ALS75 / Filterglasplatte Siro Lasertec SL75 | ALPHA LASER GmbH / Siro Lasertec GmbH |
203010005 | Filterglasplatte Alpha Laser ALS35S, ALS50 / Filterglasplatte Siro Lasertec SL35S, SL50 | ALPHA LASER GmbH / Siro Lasertec GmbH |
203010006 | Filterglasplatte Baublys BL65 / Filterglasplatte Fotona YAG-22 / Filterglasplatte Haas VectorMark / Filterglasplatte Hahn+Kolb Enigma / Filterglasplatte Innolas 1000, 2000, 3000, Enigma / Filterglasplatte NWL Dali, Maestro, Mistral / Filterglasplatte Spectron SL901, SL902Q, SL902T, SL902TQ, SL903, SL912 | Baublys Control Laser GmbH / Fotona d.d. / HAAS-Laser GmbH & Co. KG / HAHN+KOLB GmbH & Co. / InnoLas GmbH / NWL Laser-Technologie GmbH / Spectron Laser Systems Ltd. |
203010008 | Filterglasplatte Baublys BL150 / Filterglasplatte Spectron SL1302Q, SL1308TQ | Baublys Control Laser GmbH / Spectron Laser Systems Ltd. |
203010010 | Filterglasplatte Alltec LN100W / Filterglasplatte Fobalas 90MK-DT, 94S, 100W | ALLTEC GmbH / FOBA Technology + Services GmbH |
203010011 | Filterglasplatte Baasel StarWeld Performance, StarCut18 / Filterglasplatte Baasel StarWeld Performance, StarCut18 / Filterglasplatte Baasel StarWeld Performance, StarCut18 | AB Lasers Inc. (Rofin Gruppe) / Carl Baasel Lasertechnik GmbH & Co. KG (Rofin Gruppe) / LPKF Laser & Electronics AG |
203010013 | Filterglasplatte Baublys BL65Q / Filterglasplatte Quantronix Condor | Baublys Control Laser GmbH / Quantronix Inc. |
203010014 | Filterglas, rot, für 600nm Handstück für DDD-Ellipse | Lasitron GmbH |
203010015 | Filterglas, rot, für 600nm Handstück für DDD-Ellipse | DDD - Danish Dermatologic Development A/S |
203010017 | Filterglasplatte Alpha Laser AL200, AL300 | ALPHA LASER GmbH |
203020001 | Flow Tube Lampe & Stab LS Laser Systems LS-3.5, LS8000, MLS035, MLS7032 / Flow Tube Lampe & Stab MLS035, MLS7032, LS Laser Systems LS-3.5, LS8000 | LS Laser Systems GmbH / MLS Munich Laser Systems GmbH |
203020002 | Flow Tube Lampe & Stab esi Modell 44, 80, 3570, 3571, 3572, 3573, 4000A, 4200 | esi Electro Scientific Industries Inc. |
203020003 | Flow Tube Lampe Baasel 2000, 600, 6000 / Flow Tube Lampe & Stab Aurel NAVS 2 / Flow Tube Lampe Baasel 2000, 600, 6000 / Flow Tube Lampe & Stab Chicago Laser Systems CLS512, CLS37 / Flow Tube Lampe & Stab Control 512, 513, 514, 612, Elite, Emblem, Instamark, Script, Signature / Flow Tube Lampe & Stab esi Modell 44 / Flow Tube Lampe & Stab Impaq 80W / Flow Tube Lampe & Stab Photon Energy Draco 80W / Flow Tube Lampe & Stab Siemens Silamatic / Flow Tube Lampe & Stab Teradyne 411, H-514, WD411 | AB Lasers Inc. (Rofin Gruppe) / AUR.EL Automation S.p.A. / Carl Baasel Lasertechnik GmbH & Co. KG (Rofin Gruppe) / Chicago Laser Systems Inc. / Control Laser Inc. / esi Electro Scientific Industries Inc. / impaq Lasertechnologien GmbH / Photon Energy GmbH / SIEMENS AG / Teradyne Inc. |
203020004 | Flow Tube Lampe Baublys Control Laser ICON / Flow Tube Lampe Control Laser ICON | Baublys Control Laser GmbH / Control Laser Inc. |
203020005 | Flow Tube Lampe Chicago Laser Systems CLS37W, CLS39, CLS907, CLS960, CLS977 / Flow Tube Lampe Lee Laser 708, 712, 808, 812 / Flow Tube Lampe Spectra Physics 3000, 3400, 3800 / Flow Tube Lampe TLSI W614, W670 | Chicago Laser Systems Inc. / Lee Laser Inc. / Spectra-Physics Inc. / Teradyne Inc. |
203020006 | Flow Tube Lampe General Scanning HiMark 400, 800, 1400, 6000 / Flow Tube Lampe Lee Laser 715, 718, 815, 818, 825 | General Scanning Inc. / Lee Laser Inc. |
203020007 | Flow Tube Lampe Laser Optronic 747 | Laser Optronic GmbH |
203020008 | Flow Tube Lampe Baasel StarMark SM65, SM90 / Flow Tube Lampe Baasel StarMark SM65, SM90 | AB Lasers Inc. (Rofin Gruppe) / Carl Baasel Lasertechnik GmbH & Co. KG (Rofin Gruppe) |
203020009 | Flow Tube Lampe Baasel StarMark SM150 / Flow Tube Lampe Baasel StarMark SM150 | AB Lasers Inc. (Rofin Gruppe) / Carl Baasel Lasertechnik GmbH & Co. KG (Rofin Gruppe) |
203020011 | Flow Tube Lampe & Stab Control Laser Script 100, Signature 100 | Control Laser Inc. |
203020012 | Flow Tube Lampe & Stab Impaq 120W / Flow Tube Lampe & Stab Photon Energy Draco 100W | impaq Lasertechnologien GmbH / Photon Energy GmbH |
203020013 | Flow Tube Lampe Quantronix 117, 4217 / Flow Tube Lampe Spectra Physics Merlin | Quantronix Inc. / Spectra-Physics Inc. |
203020014 | Flow Tube Lampe Laser Optronic 757 | Laser Optronic GmbH |
203020016 | Flow Tube Lampe Quantronix 117, 4217 | Quantronix Inc. |
203020017 | Flow Tube Lampe Lumonics WaferMark, Lightwriter / Flow Tube Lampe Quantronix 116, 4116, 4218, 4916, 604 / Flow Tube Lampe Teradyne W419, W421, W429, W614, M118 | GSI Lumonics Inc. / Quantronix Inc. / Teradyne Inc. |
203020018 | Flow Tube Lampe Lumonics WaferMark, Lightwriter / Flow Tube Lampe Quantronix 116, 4116, 4218, 4916, 604 / Flow Tube Lampe Teradyne W419, W421, W429, W614, M118 | GSI Lumonics Inc. / Quantronix Inc. / Teradyne Inc. |
203020024 | Flow Tube Lampe Lee Laser Modell 8150, 8250 | Lee Laser Inc. |
203020026 | Flow Tube Lampe Baasel StarCut18 | AB Lasers Inc. (Rofin Gruppe) / Carl Baasel Lasertechnik GmbH & Co. KG (Rofin Gruppe) |
203020027 | Flow Tube Lampe LASAG KLS246-040FC | LASAG AG |
203020029 | Flow Tube Lampe Hairfree IPL-System | Hairfree |
203030001 | Flow Tube Stab Chicago Laser Systems CLS39, CLS907, CLS960, CLS977 / Flow Tube Stab Lee Laser 712 | Chicago Laser Systems Inc. / Lee Laser Inc. |
203030002 | Flow Tube Stab Baasel StarMark SM150 / Flow Tube Stab Baasel StarMark SM150 | AB Lasers Inc. (Rofin Gruppe) / Carl Baasel Lasertechnik GmbH & Co. KG (Rofin Gruppe) |
203030003 | Flow Tube Stab General Scanning Hi-Mark 400 / Flow Tube Stab Lee Laser 715, 718 | General Scanning Inc. / Lee Laser Inc. |
203030004 | Flow Tube Stab Baasel 2000, 600, 6000, StarMark SM65, SM90 / Flow Tube Stab Baasel 2000, 600, 6000, StarMark SM65, SM90 | AB Lasers Inc. (Rofin Gruppe) / Carl Baasel Lasertechnik GmbH & Co. KG (Rofin Gruppe) |
203030005 | Flow Tube Stab Chicago Laser Systems CLS37W, CLS39, CLS907, CLS960, CLS977 / Flow Tube Stab Lee Laser 708 / Flow Tube Stab Spectra Physics 3000, 3400, 3800 / Flow Tube Stab TLSI W614, W670 | Chicago Laser Systems Inc. / Lee Laser Inc. / Spectra-Physics Inc. / Teradyne Inc. |
203030007 | Flow Tube Stab Chicago Laser Systems CLS39, CLS907, CLS960, CLS977 / Flow Tube Stab General Scanning LSD W724 / Flow Tube Stab Lee Laser 808, 812 / Flow Tube Stab TLSI W670 | Chicago Laser Systems Inc. / General Scanning Inc. / Lee Laser Inc. / Teradyne Inc. |
203030008 | Flow Tube Stab General Scanning HiMark 400 / Flow Tube Stab Lee Laser 815, 818, 825 | General Scanning Inc. / Lee Laser Inc. |
203030010 | Flow Tube Stab Baasel StarCut18 | AB Lasers Inc. (Rofin Gruppe) / Carl Baasel Lasertechnik GmbH & Co. KG (Rofin Gruppe) |
203040001 | Flow Tube Lampe komplett mit Laserlampe montiert, Quantronix 117, 4217 / Flow Tube Lampe komplett mit Laserlampe montiert, Spectra Physcis Merlin | Quantronix Inc. / Spectra-Physics Inc. |